Kandidatprogrammet Textil – Kropp – Rum på HDK vid Steneby har glädjen att bjuda in till seminariet Att framföra kropp – ytterligare aspekter nr 4. Med spännande föredrag belyser vi tematiken runt kropp.
Med seminarieserien söker vi väcka frågor, skapa dialog och ge flera perspektiv i tematiken runt kropp. Flera infallsvinklar av hur man kan förstå ”att arbeta mot/med den mänskliga kroppen”. Vad kan det innebära? Det narrativa, materialitet som antyder kroppen eller förutsätter en kropp. När kommuniceras kroppen/kommuniceras något om den, med den? Rörelse och kropp. Erfarenheter vi ”ser” och läser av, kunskap vi bygger upp och får med eller genom kroppen. Töja kropp som idé och redskap. Kroppen som redskap för att avläsa och förstå en rumslighet.
9.30 – 10.30
Katarina Bonnevier
10.35 – 11.35
Anja Franck
12.30 – 13.30
Nasim Aghili
13.30 – 14.15
Efteråt finns det möjlighet att träffa studenter på Textil – Kropp – Rum och besöka verkstäder och lokaler.
Seminariet ges på engelska och kommer livestreamas på Stenebys facebooksida.
Moderator är Thomas Laurien.
Katarina Bonnevier: artist and architect
Touching Architecture
or, The Story of the House Cat

There is never just one space. The walls that surrounds us, imaginary or built, always carries an excess of meanings, its purposes and effects are never fully determined. Never the less the aim matters. We construct buildings, but they also construct us. What happens if we imagine the built environment as embodied proposals? Would the world change?
Dr. Katarina Bonnevier, architect, member of the design, art and architecture collective MYCKET, has an artistic practice marked by feminisms in contents, produced results and working methods. Her presentation circles the processes of planning/transforming/inhabiting our shared spaces. They are powerful means to create realities – past, present and future – in a revolutionary time and place. Neither afar, nor difficult, it is about the architectures that touches you.
Nasim Aghili: director, writer and performer
Arrival/Disorienting Whiteness

”Bodies are shaped by histories of colonialism, which makes the world ‘white’, a world that is inherited, or which is already given before the point of an individual’s arrival” -Sara Ahmed
Nasim Aghili is a director, writer and performer. In her lecture Arrival/Disorienting Whiteness she will present strategies for staging disorientation – this in a context where whiteness and heterosexuality are the unquestioned and invisible points of orientation. Working with Sara Ahmed’s ideas around ”Arrival” she will talk about examples of performative and artistic actions where those hegemonic orientations are not only questioned but in fact other parallel realities are also manifested.
A phenomenology of whiteness, by Sara Ahmed
Anja Karlsson Franck: researcher, global studies
‘Illegal’ bodies: agency, victimhood and threat

Anja Franck is a senior lecturer at the School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg. Her research focuses on how migrants and refugees navigate increasingly securitized and commercialized border landscapes. In this talk she will direct attention towards the notion of ‘illegal’ bodies – asking questions around what it means to be deemed ‘illegal’ in various spaces, what it implies to live with a continuous threat of expulsion and how ‘illegal’ bodies are portrayed. These questions link up with broader themes around human agency but also with racialized and gendered understandings of ‘victimhood’ and ‘threat’.